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Support income and growth with Protective%%®%% Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity

For clients seeking both  guaranteed income and asset growth, this indexed annuity is a great solution. (Note: Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity is available for sale through a limited distribution model. Please contact your BGA to confirm availability.) 

Why Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity?

For investments starting at just $25k, your clients can enjoy these 3 key benefits:
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Guaranteed income for life
Features an enhanced income potential fueled by a 4% roll-up to the benefit base 
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Potential for benefit base bonuses
Options for 15% and 20% bonuses added to the benefit base when income payments are taken later
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Guaranteed flexibility
Choice of level or rising payout options at income election
Illustration of a person pointing out Protective's current and future rates for interest crediting strategies
Check our rates
Be sure to confirm our current and future rates for Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity, which we set every 2 weeks. Rates may change without notice and, depending on market conditions, may be set more frequently.
Explore 3 guarantees built into this indexed annuity
With the roll-up, rate cap and payout flexibility all guaranteed, Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity has plenty to offer. Use this insightful flyer to review our product with your clients.
Illustration of a person pointing out the 3 guarantees built into Protective Guaranteed Income.

Helpful resources on Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity

We make it easy for you to share important information with your clients. Expand your knowledge about our indexed annuity and enhance your client conversations with these related materials.  
Cover of Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity product profile.
High-level product profile
Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity product At a Glance flyer.
Product at a glance flyer
Cover of Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity interest crediting brochure.
Interest crediting strategies brochure
Cover of Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return index overview brochure.
Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index overview
Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity prospecting letter.
Client prospecting letter

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We're here for you
We’re ready to help you deliver the protection and security your clients deserve. Reach out to us anytime for questions and support, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
¹ Protective Guaranteed Income Indexed Annuity is available for sale through a limited distribution model. Please contact your BGA to confirm availability. 
² Not available in all states. State variations may apply. Terms and conditions may apply.