Product news that matters to your clients and your business
We're updating rates on select products
Explore updated rates for Protective Indexed ChoiceSM UL.
Reprice information for Protective Advantage Choice%%SM%% UL and Protective%%®%% Lifetime Assurance UL
Explore updated pricing for Protective Advantage ChoiceSM UL & Protective® Lifetime Assurance UL, effective Dec. 16, 2024. Secure lifetime coverage options now.
Updated ExtendCare℠ per diem
The per diem limit for chronic death benefit riders will increase to $420/day beginning in 2025.
Accelerated underwriting process updates
On November 21, 2024, changes to our accelerated underwriting process go into effect. We’re making these changes to help reduce processing time and increase placement rates for your business.
Protective%%®%% Custom Choice%%SM%% UL is being discontinued
As of Dec. 31, 2024, new sales of Protective Custom Choice UL will be discontinued. Learn more about our comprehensive alternative: Protective Classic Choice term and the Conversion ChoiceSM rider with ExtendCareSM.
New accelerated underwriting opportunities
Effective October 7, 2024, maximum face amounts will increase, helping you meet higher coverage needs faster.
Case study: Chronic illness protection and leaving a larger legacy
Clients’ protection needs change over time, especially as they plan for potential costs of a chronic illness. Learn how one client can gain chronic illness protection and leave a larger legacy by transferring their current policy to our blended solution.
Our latest reprice of Protective%%®%% Classic Choice term
We're excited to announce we've lowered our Protective® Classic Choice term prices once again. And with longer term periods, more flexibility and faster technology, we're also making short-term business easier and more innovative.
Case study: A blended solution for chronic illness protection
A life insurance policy protects your client's loved ones when they pass away — but what if the unexpected happens while they're living? Learn how our blended solution provides death benefit protection, cash value potential and can help cover the costs of chronic illness care during their lifetime.
Case study: A cost-effective solution for large estate planning cases
A comprehensive estate plan helps protect a client’s financial legacy and ensures their loved ones can pay estate obligations. Learn how our indexed life insurance solution can be a cost-effective tool to cover estate taxes for large estate planning cases.