Bridge the Social Security information gap with clients
Social Security is a key element in almost everyone's retirement income plan and part of a comprehensive approach to financial planning. We have resources that can help you educate clients, optimize benefits and identify products to fill any gaps.

Ensure clients understand Social Security and maximize their benefits since, on average, it provides beneficiaries 40% of their pre-retirement income.1 Your efforts can yield long-term benefits for clients and enhance your value as a trusted retirement resource.
There's a lot to know in order to take full advantage of Social Security. For example, do your clients know that a spouse with a limited work history can still receive benefits? Download this flyer to learn 8 important things to consider when talking about it with clients.

Timing is everything with Social Security

Position yourself as the 'go-to' resource for your clients' retirement planning needs by hosting an informational session on Understanding Social Security. We'll provide everything you'll need to be successful from invitations to presentation, including this helpful client workbook.

Helpful resources on Social Security
Want to expand your Social Security knowledge? Need more tools to support your client conversations? Just download these Social Security resources.
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